If you have any questions, please contact the church or any of the Annual Giving Campaign team members: Stephanie Breaker, Melvina Davis, Luise Farmer, Sara Fleming, Chris Kopczynski, Peggy Lowell, Rev. Carolyn Mobley and Joy Whitenack.
2015 Annual Giving Campaign
October 4 - November 1
Each Sunday during the Annual Giving Campaign we will celebrate how MCC Richmond has helped us grow spiritually as individuals and as a community of faith. We will also reflect on how we can continue to grow by giving our time, skills and financial resources to support ministries in our church and outreach to the community.
We invite church members and friends of MCC Richmond to join us during this time of reflection and celebration as we prepare ourselves for a new journey during 2016.
Sunday Service Activities
October 4
Pick up your campaign packets after the service.
Join us after the service for First Sunday Pot Luck and complete your Pastoral Search Congregational Survey.
UFMCC’s Sandra DuBose will join us for the worship service and Pot Luck, and later meet with the Pastoral Search Committee.
October 11
Pick up your campaign packet before or after the service.
Sign up for the Appreciation/Fundraiser Dinner Parties.
Join us for the New Members Class from 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (a light lunch will be provided). Spontaneous drop-ins welcomed.
Return your commitment cards during the service.
October 18
Pick up your campaign packet before or after the service.
Sign up for the Appreciation/Fundraiser Dinner Parties
Return your Pastoral Search Congregational Survey.
Return your commitment cards during the service.
October 25
The ministry teams begin the Thanksgiving Gift Basket Drive.
Memorial plaque presentations for Tracee Davis and Clinton Gibbs
Join us after the service for A New Journey Reception (with heavy hors d’oeuvres).
Return your commitment cards during the service.
November 1
Return your commitment cards during the service.
Receive new members during the service.