Church Leadership & Governance
MCC Richmond entrusts the following individuals to...
Take on the duties of governing the church,
Help meet the needs of the congregation,
Provide vision as MCC Richmond continues to do God's work.
2024 Board of Directors Covenant
Meet Our Team: Board of Directors
Our Lay Delegate Team
Lay Delegates act as a liaison between our local MCC Richmond church and our Denomination, the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (UFMCC)​.
They Speak as the voice of the church at Global General Conference (every 3 years).
The three-year term of our lay delegates runs 2023 - 2025.
Les Quintana-Branch, 1st Lay Delegate
John Pall, 2nd Lay Delegate
Alternate Lay Delegate​
Chuck Bateman
Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help!
Our Church Staff
Music Director
Minister of Prayer & Congregational Spiritual Care
Administrative Assistant
Pianist / Accompanist
Church Custodian
MCC Richmond Governance
In order to operate the church successfully, the leadership of Metropolitan Community Church of Richmond adheres to the following guidelines.
MCC Richmond Bylaws
Effective November 12, 2023
Annual Congregational Meeting Member Booklets
Please also see Revisions...