A Fellowship of Churches - UFMCC
MCC Richmond is one church in the UFMCC Denomination.

Who is MCC?
MCC is truly a diverse group of people with different perspectives and opinions. As you participate in MCC activities, you’ll notice this beautiful diversity of opinions, expressions, and viewpoints. That is who we are as a people!
Diversity, inclusion and respect are central parts of being MCC!

Throughout our history, MCC has been at the vanguard of civil and human rights movements by addressing issues of race, gender, sexual orientation, economics, climate change, aging, and global human rights, as well as the intersections of these and other oppressions. As a movement born in the margins of society, we remain a prophetic and pastoral presence from/to the marginalized peoples of the world.
Our Lay Delegate Team
Lay Delegates act as a liaison between our local MCC Richmond church and the our UFMCC Denomination.
They speak as the voice of of our MCC Richmond church at Global General Conference (every 3 years).
The three-year term of our lay delegates runs 2023 - 2025.
Les Quintana-Branch, 1st Lay Delegate
John Pall, 2nd Lay Delegate
Alternate Lay Delegate​
Chuck Bateman
Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help!
UFMCC Leadership

Lay delegates and clergy make up the members of the General Conference.
The General Conference:
Elects the Governing Board and the Moderator
Affirms the Council of Elders.
Cecelia Eggleston

Cecilia is responsible for leading MCC globally. She is CEO and Chief of Staff, leading and guiding our staff team, Chair of the Governing Board and is a member of the Council of Elders. She is the spokesperson for MCC and is responsible for advancing the vision and mission of MCC worldwide.

The Governing Board is responsible for finances. risk management, strategy, policy development and overall management of the denomination. The Governing Board is made up of 8 Governors, 4 laity, and 4 clergy, elected by the General Conference, who serve for a 6 year term and who are all volunteers.
Elders are appointed are gifted individuals who are highly esteemed, respected and who are looked to for wisdom, for embodying and articulating with passion the values, vision, mission, and faith that MCC holds dear. We expect Elders to challenge us, to offer spiritual, pastoral and organizational leadership.
Elders are appointed by the Moderator and affirmed by the General Conference.
Connection, Resources, and Support
UFMCC offers resources and support for people.

Other MCC Churches
Every local MCC around the world is unique.
Whether you visit a church in-person or engage online, you are sure to find people of faith who value inclusion and hospitality.
Find a Church
Kinship groups exist in MCC to build community among people of shared demographics. Many of these groups represent marginalized communities, who are often most in need of connection with one another to build solidarity and support.
Sacred Space Online Learning (or SSOL) is an online learning center dedicated to providing a wide range of spiritual, religious, and faith-based resources in the form of online classes, live webinars, on-demand webinars or lectures, online book studies, and virtual retreats.
The Resources in this Resource Bank have been created or collected for use by Metropolitan Community Churches. Attributions are given where known.
Here you will find our Core Documents, policy and position Statements, resources for local church ministry, worship resources by season and special Sundays, the Clergy Manual and forms, as well as minutes and reports from the Moderator, Governing Board and various Commissions, and more!
Eastern Network

Networks are groups of churches that are in reasonable geographic proximity to each other that exist to Care for one another, Connect to each other and Communicate with each other and the denomination.
MCC Richmond belongs to the Eastern Network.
The Network has great news about MCC Churches in our area and sometimes we hold a gathering that anyone can attend.